"Drake moving to SA confirmed"

Victor Wembanyama is more than ready for his official NBA game on Wednesday against the Dallas Mavericks. Wembanyama shared several images from his memorable summer in preparation for his debut. One of the photos showed him with Drake and fans cannot help but notice the insane height difference.

Victor Wembanyama is more than ready for his official NBA game on Wednesday against the Dallas Mavericks. Wembanyama shared several images from his memorable summer in preparation for his debut. One of the photos showed him with Drake and fans cannot help but notice the insane height difference.

Wembanyama looked amazing in the preseason and the San Antonio Spurs are surely thrilled at what he can do in the regular season. He has the crazy combination of skills and height that has never been seen in the NBA.

Meanwhile, Drake is known for his friendship with many players over the years. He's surely hoping to have Wembanyama on his list and the two hung out earlier this summer. The photo of them together has Wemby still with highlights in his hair, so it's not recent since he's sporting a buzz cut now.

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Fans on social media quickly reacted to the photo of Drake and Victor Wembanyama together. Some fans are worried that Drake could bring his curse to Wemby and the San Antonio Spurs, others made fun of their height difference and some aimed at the rapper's bandwagon reputation.

One fan wrote:

"Drake moving to SA confirmed."
Fan Reaction No. 1

This fan has jokes about Drake being a corny friend:

"Drake the type of guy to say, 'Whats the weather looking like today fella?'"
Fan Reaction No. 2

Another fan made fun of Drake's height in comparison to Wemby:

"Bro looks like a midget next to king."
Fan Reaction No. 3

Here are other reactions and memes to Victor Wembanyama's photo with Drake:

Fan Reaction No. 4
Fan Reaction No. 5

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Victor Wembanyama was the star of the preseason

Victor Wembanyama of the San Antonio Spurs

Victor Wembanyama looked fantastic for the San Antonio Spurs in the preseason. Wembanyama quickly established himself as a must-watch player after putting on a show against Chet Holmgren and the OKC Thunder in his first preseason game.

The 19-year-old big man then dunked all over the Miami Heat followed by an amazing display against the Houston Rockets. One of his highlights had him nutmegging Reggie Bullock on the fastbreak.

In the Spurs' final preseason game in San Francisco, Wembanyama dominated the Golden State Warriors in the first quarter. He blocked 3-point shots and ran the fastbreak like a point guard.

It looks like Wemby will live up to the hype and pass with flying colors. The only negative was he looked exhausted in limited playing time. He will have to improve his conditioning as the season progresses.

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