Giants QBs wealth in 2023 explored

Quarterback Tyrod Taylors NFL career is full of unfortunate events. Theres the fact that his current team, the New York Giants, is his sixth in 13 seasons. He signed a six-year, $96 million contract with the Buffalo Bills in 2016. However, he lasted only one more season after that, as the Bills traded him to

Quarterback Tyrod Taylor’s NFL career is full of unfortunate events. There’s the fact that his current team, the New York Giants, is his sixth in 13 seasons.

He signed a six-year, $96 million contract with the Buffalo Bills in 2016. However, he lasted only one more season after that, as the Bills traded him to the Cleveland Browns.

Taylor also suffered ill-fated injuries. During his time with the Los Angeles Chargers, the team doctor accidentally punctured his lung after a painkiller injection.

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His hamstring injury in Week 2 of the 2021 season allowed Davis Mills to start for the Houston Texans. Despite those mishaps, the former Virginia Tech standout has earned quite a fortune from playing football.

Tyrod Taylor career earnings and net worth

There are conflicting reports regarding Tyrod Taylor’s net worth. However, the most recent estimate puts his fortune at $10 million.

It’s a sizeable amount, considering he played backup for most of his career. Most of his wealth came from football salaries. He also invested his money in some companies and earned additional income through endorsements.

Spotrac estimated his career NFL earnings at $65.1 million. He earned a considerable portion of it in 2018 when he had a $10 million base salary and a $6 million roster bonus from the Cleveland Browns. Conversely, he earned over $480,000 in his rookie year with the Baltimore Ravens.

Taylor has signed seven contracts throughout his NFL career. Aside from the 2016 mega extension with the Buffalo Bills, he inked a four-year, $2.1 rookie scale contract with the Ravens in 2011. The Virginia native signed a three-year, $3.3 million deal with the Bills during the 2015 offseason.

After the massive contract from Buffalo, Taylor agreed a two-year, $30.5 million restructured contract in 2017. The Los Angeles Chargers gave him a two-year, $11 million deal two years later. He signed a one-year, $5.5 million contract with the Texans the following year.

As of 2023, Taylor is playing out his two-year, $11 million deal with the New York Giants. He played their first preseason game that year, finishing with three completions and two carries for 14 yards.

Tyrod Taylor’s investments and other business ventures

Tyrod Taylor was a part of Dapper Labs’ Series C investment in Mar. 2021. The investment round was valued at $305 million.

Meanwhile, Taylor co-founded the Diallo clothing line with design visionary Dex Robinson. The brand’s website says that Diallo “is a luxury streetwear brand reimagining American fashion through a modern take to on classic silhouettes.”

It also “fuses craftsmanship with a functional sensibility.”

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