Gosselins girlfriend dealt coke; Kate: Hailey makes daddy do bad things

Credit: BauergriffinonlineThis weeks National Enquirer has a pretty juicy story from a woman who knew Hailey Glassman, Jon Gosselins girlfriend, in college. Glassman, a 22 year-old Indiana University dropout, has already been exposed as a hard-partying girl in several series of photos that have been leaked which feature her drinking, smoking pot, and posing suggestively

Credit: Bauergriffinonline
This week’s National Enquirer has a pretty juicy story from a woman who knew Hailey Glassman, Jon Gosselin’s girlfriend, in college. Glassman, a 22 year-old Indiana University dropout, has already been exposed as a hard-partying girl in several series of photos that have been leaked which feature her drinking, smoking pot, and posing suggestively with male and female friends. We’ve already heard from a former female lover of Hailey’s that she’s a “user” who wants to be famous and will “destroy you.”

Now the Enquirer has statements from another former acquaintance who claims that Hailey dealt drugs in college, including prescription and street drugs, and that she once tried to drug her by slipping Xanax in her beer. The source, who passed a polygraph test, also says Hailey would regularly take her top off at parties and try and get people to feel her fake boobs. She didn’t feel comfortable around Hailey and says she regularly hit on her and that it was “creepy”:

“I met her in her freshman year because she was selling Adderrall,” her friend told the Enquirer.

“She was known for selling it for five or six dollars a pill. Everyone knew that if you wanted Adderall, you go to her,” said the source, who lived in the same dorm as Hailey during their 2005 freshman year and later moved into the same apartment building as Hailey.

In addition to Adderall… Hailey also sold and used cocaine, according to her friend.

“I watched her sell it to pals – I saw her hand a bag over for $50.”

One night after the bars closed, Hailey invited a group of people back to her apartment where she did cocaine and got out of control, says the source, who passed a polygraph exam regarding her account.

“She put out lines, took her shirt off and started blowing coke without her shirt on. She didn’t wear a bra because she got her boobs done. She even asked, ‘Do you guys want to touch them?'”

Party-hearty Hailey was also known for throwing wild “Xanax parties” with a group of girlfriends, said the friend.

“They were always taking Xanax (a prescription antidepressant). If was hanging out with them, they would say ‘Have a beer.’ And one beer later, I would be blacked out, and they would be laughing because they put a Xanax in it. Then they would try to get me to sleep over, and I would say, ‘No, I have to go.'”

Hailey tried to hit on her, says the source. “She would come on to me if I was alone with her. There were multiple times when I was uncomfortable.”

She says Hailey promised her: “I’ll be your best friend. I’ll be really good to you.”

But the friend recalled: “It was very creepy. She would tell me about her boob job and ask me to feel them. She would get close to me and put her hand on my shoulder and tell me how beautiful I am.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, August 3, 2009]

What a class act that Hailey is. It’s one thing to drink, smoke pot and dabble in drugs in college like a lot of people. It’s another to deal drugs and try to drug people without their knowledge so you can take advantage of them sexually. Jon’s estranged wife Kate is of course livid that he’s taken up with Hailey and is flaunting the new relationship. Star, which has the story straight Jon’s “friend” and now ex-Star reporter Kate Major, also it includes some choice quotes from Kate about Hailey:

Kate’s even trying to turn her children… against Hailey, whom they’ve know since her doctor dad gave Kate a tummy tuck several years ago. “Kate told the kids that Hailey is gross because she smokes and drinks and that she makes Daddy do bad things too,” says the insider. Kate, 34, is especially jealous because Hailey is stealing some of her spotlight, the insider adds. “When Kate say Hailey on the covers of a few magazine, she flipped. Kate feels like she’s being replaced, and it kills her.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, August 3, 2009]

Star is filled with Jon’s point of view and includes tidbits about how Kate has taken up with her bodyguard again, a story which is said to have originated with Jon. As Kaiser said yesterday, both Kate and Jon are abhorrent, but you can see who is staying home with the kids and who is picking completely inappropriate partners and making sure the world knows about it. In the wake of the mini-scandal over Jon’s relationship with Star Magazine reporter Kate Major (which was perhaps fabricated despite the fact that they spent the night together at Michael Lohan’s house) Jon has hired a top PR firm. Maybe they’ll tell him to lose the earring and the Ed Hardy douche-wear and stop staging photo-ops with his various girlfriends.

Kate Gosselin takes the girls to the doctors office in Reading, PA

Kate Gosselin takes the girls to the doctors office in Reading, PA

