"I say it to everybody"

Felix "xQc" has responded to accusations of racism leveled against him by netizens on X (formerly Twitter). For context, the streamer found himself in hot water on November 24, 2023, after interacting with a Black individual on the video-calling platform Monkey App. While both were having a heated argument, the Twitch and Kick star flaunted

Felix "xQc" has responded to accusations of racism leveled against him by netizens on X (formerly Twitter). For context, the streamer found himself in hot water on November 24, 2023, after interacting with a Black individual on the video-calling platform Monkey App. While both were having a heated argument, the Twitch and Kick star flaunted his wealth by remarking:

"Bro, I'm going to keep it a buck. I can take my daily check and buy your entire f**king bloodline."

xQc reviewed the viral clip during a livestream on November 27, 2023. He burst out laughing after hearing the "buy your entire bloodline" comment. In response, he claimed that "everybody" knows he jokes about flaunting his wealth "all the time." Claiming it's a "stupid" jest, the 28-year-old said:

"Guys, everybody knows, chat, it's a joke that I make all the time. Okay? It's f**king... it's stupid, okay? It's a stupid joke but it's like - I say it to everybody. Okay? Whatever. I read through the chat. I read through everybody because nobody likes that topic, and it's something that I just say. Okay?"

xQc went on to say that his statements were "fine" even without the context:

"Guys, do I need to explain the joke? Do I explain it? Even without context, it's still fine. Okay? Why? Because if you always say something, okay, if it's the same joke, it doesn't matter who you say it to. It's still fine. Okay? I don't have to f**king tailor my joke around your feelings."

"That just means he is rich, it's not racist" - Fans weigh in on xQc's response to racism allegations

X user @Dexertonox's tweet featuring the Twitch and Kick streamer's response (Image via @Dexertonox/X)

X user @Dexertonox's tweet featuring the former Overwatch pro's response to racism allegations has received a lot of traction. According to one netizen, xQc saying he would buy someone's "entire bloodline" is a "common thing" he says on livestream:

One fan claimed the streamer's "bloodline" remark is something he "commonly" says (Image via X)

Another viewer wrote that the streamer was "not wrong":

A netizen's comment stating the streamer wasn't "wrong" (Image via X)

Meanwhile, X user @sleepythewhale believed Felix was not being "racist." They added:

"That just means he is rich, it's not racist."
One fan believed the streamer was not being "racist" (Image via X)

Here are some more fan reactions:

Fans chime in on the streamer's response (Image via X)

xQc is one of Twitch's most popular content creators, with an impressive 11,930,349 followers on his channel. He has been involved in several controversies this year. Readers can learn more by clicking here.

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