Mel Gibson & Madeleine Stowe did a public photo-op together: WTF?

God, I hope Madeleine Stowe enjoys performing beejs in the Jacuzzi, or this relationship is going to end badly. So this is your WTF? post of the day Madeleine and Mad Mel Gibson walking along some road together in Santa Monica. Fame Pictures says they had lunch together, then took a stroll. Theyve known

God, I hope Madeleine Stowe enjoys performing beejs in the Jacuzzi, or this relationship is going to end badly. So this is your “WTF?” post of the day – Madeleine and Mad Mel Gibson walking along some road together in Santa Monica. Fame Pictures says they had lunch together, then took a “stroll”. They’ve known each other for years – they worked together in We Were Soldiers… So is Madeleine one of Mel’s few loyal Hollywood friends? Did she get roped into this lunch date under false pretenses? Is she being drugged? I ask because her eyes look a little druggy in a few of the shots, and she seems less engaged with the photographers than Mel.

I guess this photo op with Madeleine could be part of Mel’s rehabilitation – God knows, there’s only so much that Robert Downey Jr. and Jodie Foster can do. Please don’t even consider the idea that Mel and Madeleine are having some kind of romantic relationship – she’s been with her husband, Brian Benben for years and decades. Hopefully, Madeleine wants no part of Mel. Hopefully, she just ran into him and didn’t know how to get out of having lunch with him. ???

I have two more Mad Mel stories. One, remember how screenwriter Joe Eszterhas and his son recorded Mel Gibson throwing an obscene tantrum, and they made the tape public because why not? Well, Eszterhas is also going to be writing a book (an E-book) about his relationship with Mel called Heaven and Mel. Clever (eh) – you can read more about it here.

Second story – Mel’s dad Hutton (who is in his 90s) has filed for divorce from his 70-something wife. You’ll never guess the reason – it’s because the wife wants to stop Hutton’s medication to accelerate his death. So Mel and Hutton’s other kids are getting involved and trying to make sure Hutton lives forever. I can’t believe Mel Gibson is in the midst of a “right to die” controversy in his own family.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

