Nitrofurantoin Medication Questions about Nitrofurantoin Answered

Given below are some of the commonly asked questions about Nitrofurantoin that have been answered by different Experts. Nitrofurantoin is a commonly used drug used to treat urinary tract infections. Individuals should be aware of the right dosage and side effects when using it. Some may want to know if it is safe to take

What is Nitrofurantoin and some of its side effects?

Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic that is commonly used to treat urinary tract infections. This medication is sold under the brand names of Niftas, Furadantin, Macrobid, Nitrofur Mac, etc. There are various side effects of this medication like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills and hypersensitivity reactions as well as pulmonary fibrosis in some cases. Those who are using this medication may have several questions about its use and side effects.

Given below are some of the commonly asked questions about Nitrofurantoin that have been answered by different Experts.

Is it safe for a pregnant woman to take Nitrofurantoin macro to treat a urinary infection?

Nitrofurantoin is an FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved medicine that is in the pregnancy category B. Though it may not be harmful to a baby, the woman should avoid taking this medication if she is at term, at the time of labor or delivery or at the onset of labor.

Will taking Nitrofurantoin reduce the effectiveness of the birth control medicine, ortho-tricyclen?

It is safe to take Nitrofurantoin along with ortho-tricyclen as it will not reduce the effectiveness of the birth control medication.

What is the proper dosage of Nitrofurantoin needed to treat urinary tract infections?

A dosage of 50 mg (milligrams) of Nitrofurantoin once every 6 hours is normally given to someone to treat urinary tract infections. Alternately, a sustained release formulation of the medicine at 100 mg can be given twice a day.

Can Nitrofurantoin cause urine to be dark brown?

Urine turning dark brown is a common side effect of this medication. This color can change once the medication is stopped. Dark brown urine even after the medication is stopped can indicate liver issues or anemia is present.

Can Nitrofurantoin be used to treat strep throat?

Nitrofurantoin may not help in the treatment of strep throat as this medication does not cover this infection.

What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction to Nitrofurantoin and how can this be controlled?

Hives, joint pain and muscle pain can all occur as a result of an allergic reaction to Nitrofurantoin. Individuals may have to go to be seen in the ER (emergency room) as soon as possible to find a solution for the allergy.

Can Nitrofurantoin be taken along with Oxytetracycline?

There are no known interactions between Nitrofurantoin and oxytetracycline. These two medications are also given together to treat H.Pylori infection. Individuals may take both of these medications together after consulting a doctor.

Can Nitrofurantoin cause muscle cramps from waist down?

Muscle cramps from the waist down are a rare but dangerous side effect of Nitrofurantoin. The individual should talk to a doctor if this side effect occurs as well as discontinue the medicine.

What should be done if Nitrofurantoin is not effective in treating a urinary tract infection?

A doctor can conduct a urine culture and sensitivity test to detect the organism that is responsible for the infection if Nitrofurantoin is not being effective in the treatment. An ultrasound of the kidneys can also be done to rule out stones. Also, individuals should drink plenty of fluids and continue to take the drug as empirical therapy.

Can someone smoke weed when taking Nitrofurantoin?

There are no interactions that have been recorded between smoking week and Nitrofurantoin. Therefore, it may be possible for someone to smoke weed while taking this medication.

Is it safe for to take Nitrofurantoin when diagnosed with anemia and electrolyte disturbances?

It may not be advisable for someone with anemia and electrolyte disturbances to take Nitrofurantoin. A doctor can conduct a urine culture test to determine the best antibiotic that should be given in order to treat this infection. If Nitrofurantoin cannot be discontinued, the individual may need to monitor their blood count, anemia profile and electrolytes on a weekly basis.

Can the use of Nitrofurantoin cause headaches?

Though headaches are not a common side effect of Nitrofurantoin, they may be caused by an infection itself. The individual may take an over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol and Prilosec to control these headaches.

Nitrofurantoin is a commonly used drug used to treat urinary tract infections. Individuals should be aware of the right dosage and side effects when using it. Some may want to know if it is safe to take this drug along with other medications. At such times, you can ask an Expert and get all the information you need about Nitrofurantoin and its use.

