The best PPSH-41 loadout in Black Ops Cold War

The PPSH-41 is finally available in Black Ops Cold War with the arrival of Season 3. The classic submachine gun unlocks fairly early in the Battle Pass. As described in the Activision blog for the release of Season 3, the PPSH-41 is a weapon that has moderate damage per bullet. The weapon has a high

The PPSH-41 is finally available in Black Ops Cold War with the arrival of Season 3. The classic submachine gun unlocks fairly early in the Battle Pass.

As described in the Activision blog for the release of Season 3, the PPSH-41 is a weapon that has moderate damage per bullet. The weapon has a high fire rate that makes it a spitfire submachine gun. It is ideal for an aggressive player and will allow for plenty of close engagement wins.

Weapons like the MAC-10, which is another submachine gun that was released in Season 1, act in a similar fashion when it comes to aggression.

Players can get their hands on the PPSH-41 once they hit level 15 in the Battle Pass, and it's free for all players. Players will then need to level up the weapon and equip the best attachments for use in Black Ops Cold War.

What is the best PPSH-41 loadout in Black Ops Cold War?

The PPSH-41 is a weapon that has moderate damage per bullet but has a high fire rate (Image via Activision)

When building a loadout for a weapon in Black Ops Cold War or Warzone, the goal is to enhance the strengths that already exist in the weapon and compensate for its weaknesses.

In the case of the PPSH-41 in Black Ops Cold War, attachments should enhance speed and compensate for drop-off or recoil.

Best attachments for the PPSH-41 in Black Ops Cold War

  • Muzzle: Spetsnaz Compensator
  • Barrel: 14.9" Reinforced Heavy
  • Underbarrel: Spetsnaz Grip
  • Handle: GRU Elastic Wrap
  • Magazine: 55 Rnd Drum

Spetsnaz Compensator

This muzzle attachment gives the PPSH-41 some recoil compensation in Black Ops Cold War and is the best default muzzle that players can attach. However, if players want to stay more silent, the GRU Suppressor is another option, although it's not as good in terms of stats.

14.9" Reinforced Heavy Barrel

There are two good barrels to choose from for the PPSH-41, but the Reinforced is the best of both worlds. It adds effective damage range as well as some bullet velocity to the weapon. However, if players plan on being close quarters most of the time, the ranger barrel could be better for its higher bullet velocity.

Spetsnaz Grip

It's no surprise that PPSH-41 has a bunch of recoil to handle. Luckily, the Spetsnaz grip will handle some of that. This grip makes a world of difference to the submachine gun recoil in Black Ops Cold War.

GRU Elastic Wrap

As always, these grips add flinch resistance, ads speed, and the ability to drop shot. It's the best bang for your buck, but it comes at the price of some sprint-to-fire speed. If that's a concern, then the serpent grip will do just fine.

55 Rnd Drum

The PPSH-41 will tear through ammo fast, and players will need a way to either keep shooting or reload fast. A 55 Rnd Drum can allow players to stay in a fight longer, but in some cases, a speed mag will work just as well in Black Ops Cold War.

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