Why fans shouldn't get their hopes up for a sequel

Summertime Rendering was one of the best mystery anime to come out in 2022, as its two-cour season kept the audience on the edge of their seats through the spring and summer 2022 anime seasons. Given that it has been nearly a year since the release of its first season, fans of the anime are

Summertime Rendering was one of the best mystery anime to come out in 2022, as its two-cour season kept the audience on the edge of their seats through the spring and summer 2022 anime seasons. Given that it has been nearly a year since the release of its first season, fans of the anime are looking forward to the release of the second season.

The anime Summertime Rendering is based on Yasuki Tanaka's manga of the same name. Ajiro Shinpei, a boy who had left his native island but later returned after losing a loved one, is the protagonist of the story. During his visit, he discovered some mysterious and disturbing elements surrounding the island.

When can fans expect Summertime Rendering season 2 to be released?

Ushio Kofune as seen in the anime (Image via OLM)

As unfortunate as it sounds for the fans, Summertime Rendering, produced by OLM, will most likely not receive a second season. The first season of the anime adapted the entire story depicted in the manga, so there was no more source material for OLM studios to adapt into an anime.

The anime was 25 episodes long, and as cramped as it sounds, OLM managed to adapt the entire story from the manga, which extends to a total of 139 chapters.

Ajiro Shinpei and Mio Kofune as seen in the anime (Image via OLM)

Generally, an anime studio adapts up to three chapters from the manga in an episode; however, OLM decided to include more manga material in each episode.

Upon calculation, it can be observed that the studio has managed to adapt 5.56 chapters each in an episode, which fans might argue was too rushed. Nonetheless, the anime has performed well with viewers, receiving an average rating of 8.54 on MyAnimeList.

Thus, fans shouldn't get their hopes up for Summertime Rendering season 2.

What happened at the end of Summertime Rendering season 1?

Ajiro Shinpei and Ushio Kofune as seen in the anime (Image via OLM)

The end of Summertime Rendering season 1 saw Ajiro Shinpei and Ushio Kofune reunite after both of them together defeated the Shadows. While in the very first episode of the anime, Ushio was declared to have passed away, she was an integral part of the anime as she joined Shinpei in defeating the Shadows.

As Shinpei returned back in time to the point where the entire incident began, Ushio used her final moments to return to the past and leave a voice message on Hizuru Minakata's phone about the incident surrounding the Shadows. This was how Hizuru first came to know about the Shadows and arrived at Hitogashima Island.

Hizuru Minakata as seen in the anime (Image via OLM)

Given that the Shadows had been completely eliminated, Ajiro Shinpei returned to the same time slot in which he had first arrived for Ushio's funeral. However, this time it was different, as Shinpei had no recollection of what had happened in the previous time loops. During this loop, there was a merry mood around the island as no one had passed away and the festival was inching closer.

During the festival, both Shinpei and Ushio happened to remember a promise between them that they had made in one of the previous loops, following which their memories were restored.

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